I have to give credit to Emily Buck http://emilybuckphotography.blogspot.com/ for these amazing photos of my side of the family. We actually had fun doing these pictures even though it was 110 degrees outside. We drove about thirty minutes to Anthem az to take these. My brother and his family where here from UT so (on very short notice) we decided we needed new pictures with the two new comers Whitney and Alyssa. Anyway it was totally worth it! Thanks Emily!
Whitney, Alicia, and Thomas Montgomery
Tim & Jess Hedgecock
Mindy, Derek, Brad, and Alyssa Patterson
Thomas, Whitney, and Alicia
Colton, Dad, Mom, Brianna, and Clayton Patterson
Proud Grandparents!
This one is so fun!
Beautiful pond in background
Whitney Kaholumehekainani Montgomery
Thirteen months old
six siblings from youngest to oldest