First they did the echo cardiogram (ultrasound of Whitney's heart). She was due for one and I have arranged them to do it while she was asleep because she usually has a hard time with those. Then around 10am they started the actual surgery. Me, my husband, and my mom waited in the waiting room for 2 hours. Thomas had to go home to get some stuff that we forgot, and my friend, Alix (and her mom) and her baby Lily were at PCH for an appointment and came to visit me during the surgery. Around 12pm Dr. Graziano, the pediatric surgeon came out to tell us what she did. They made the incision on Whitney's previous CDH scar, and made it a bit longer. They also went through the stoma (hole where the G-tube is) and belly button. Removed lots of scar tissue (adhesions) on small intestines. Surgeon said her intestines were wadded up so the adhesion's needed to be removed to free up the bowels. Lots of scar tissue on Duodenum, the doctors believe this may have caused the vomiting. Food was not able to exit stomach normally or be digested properly because of Whitney's strange stomach anatomy and the bowel obstruction. This is all related to Whitney's initial diagnoses of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. All intestines put back in. Then they placed the Mickey button GJ Tube.
Then the surgeon walked us to Whitney's room in the PICU (pediatric intensive care unit). She was ex-tubated and on pain meds and anxiety/sleep meds. She looked so sad! Whitney pretty much sleept that entire day and all night. Luckily Whitney did not get a fever but she was pretty close! Thomas's parents came to visit that day and also Rachel brought us dinner and lunchables! Thomas and I finally got some sleep but the hosptial chairs are sooo uncomfortable!